- Additional validation may be required for some orders and can delay delivery; once your order has been processed, you will receive an email confirming your order has shipped
- Shipping timing begins when you receive the shipping confirmation email
- To track your order, visit {MY ORDERS} in your account or click the tracking link in your shipping confirmation email. All delivery tracking is available from when you receive the shipping confirmation email
- Our delivery couriers are UPS and DHL. Delivery estimates are indicative only and subject to the acceptance and approval of your order. Working days are defined as Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm, excluding public holidays. Please note that deliveries can take longer in certain areas or if your order required additional validation
Fee: Complimentary for all orders
Delivery Timing: 3-5 working days from the time you receive the shipping confirmation email
Please Note
• If a standard order is placed on a Friday or over the weekend, the earliest it will ship is Monday
• Additional validation may be required for all orders and can delay delivery
Fee: {Complimentary for all orders}
Delivery Timing: 1-2 working days from the time you receive the shipping confirmation email
Please Note
• If an order is placed on a Friday or over the weekend, the earliest it will ship is Monday
• Additional validation may be required for all orders and can delay delivery
Client Services
Our online Client Assistants are available Monday through Saturday, between 9 AM and 10 PM (CET).
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Before contacting us, please ensure that you have read our privacy policy.